Nomadic Therapist
Personal Biofield Tuning.
For mind, energy,
Vitality and Health.
Prices from £139.00
For more information
Ley line Discovery.
Mapping and clearing, Ley lines, Geopathic stress and ghosts.
Prices from £199.00
For more information
Dowsing School.
Learn the secrets of a Master Dowser, no experience needed.
Prices from £99.00
For more information
Biofield Tuning
Personal Biofield Tuning
Who is this for?
Biofield Tuning can help you understand the origin or nature of a problem, and when it occurred in your life or whether it is generational or past life karma.
What is it?
Personal Biofield Tuning is a non-invasive sound therapy, and because it works on your aura energy, it can be carried out via zoom.
Why should I have Biofield Tuning?
Personal Biofield Tuning can help you with:
Vibrant health
Mind vitality
From £179.00 Gbp per session
For your free consultation
Book three sessions for a total of £479.00 for 10% discount.

This is ideal for:
Intuitive coaches
Remote energy workers
Unexplained illness
Ley Line Discovery
What is it?
Through my Master Dowsing techniques, I can feel energy imbalances, which I can rectify while creating your discovery map.
How will it help me?
Stronger intuition
Better remote connections
Cleaner calmer energies
Aids faster healing
Better sleep

'In person' Discovery
An in person discovery can really get to the depths of what is happening in your home or business. A primary discovery is carried out on a map, then the second survey is carried out in person.
This is more in depth than a video discovery, as in person I can feel residue energies in furniture and belongs.
From £299.00 GBP
The first £299.00 Gbp covers 1000 sq.ft, each 1000 sq.ft after that is £273.00 This price does not cover any travel or hotel costs, please enquire for full more details.

Video Discovery
Using the combination of a map and a live video tour of your property, it is possible to clear and map the energies of your home or business.
Whilst this discovery is not as in depth as an in person discovery, it is still very accurate and works to clear all but very minor details.
From £199.00 Gbp
The first £199.00 Gbp covers 1000 sq.ft, each 1000 sq.ft after that is £179.00
Dowsing School
Learn to feel energies
Do you want to be able to tune in to the subtle energies of the earth or people?
Book a lesson, and you're guided to understand the secrets of dowsing and working with energies, the only prerequisite is a willingness to learn and a little concentration, and you will surprise yourself at your hidden talents.
Beginner level:
What is dowsing?
Dowsing ethics
Different methods of dowsing
Unlocking your dowsing potential
Finding and differentiating energies
Beginner £99.00 GBP per person
Intermediate level:
Tapping into your intuition
Finding higher energies
Clean and clear energies
Chakra dowsing
Intermediate £119.00 per person
Expert level:
Pendulum dowsing
Map dowsing
Quantum dowsing
Expert level, £149.00 per person

New for 2022!
Master Dowser:
Learn to work with ascended masters
Use techniques for clearing large areas
Be able to plot worldwide Ley lines, and spot clues to their direction.
Connecting Earth energies to higher dimensions
Master Dowser £199.00 per person
All lessons last around two hours